Monday, February 28, 2011

The Flashbulb - Mellann: Wicked glitch track

Benn Jordan who is very well known in the electronic music world works under many different names including The Flashbulb, Acidwolf, Human Action Network, FlexE and many more. Some of Benn's most popular work is under The Flashbulb where he plays the drums, guitar, bass, and piano the sounds into industrial, ambient or up-beat bangers. He has his own creative style that sets him apart from everyone else in the Electronic scene because he doesn't want you to pay for his work, he'd rather you donate to him or his label because you enjoy his work. Out of all of his albums, this is in the top 10 of my favorite songs.
05 - The Flashbulb - Mellann by corbinlane

Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Artsy Remix): Sickk Trance Track

I simply have not been able to get this track out of my head. I find myself listening to it on repeat over and over again and every time it seems to get better. I hadn't heard of 20 year old producer Mat Zo before I heard this track and I instantly became a fan and downloading all of is other tracks as soon as I could. This track though is an amazing blazer with with a real soft but captivating beat that literally puts you in a trance. Expect more house music to be posted and be sure to check out more of Matt Zo's other tracks of you like what you hear.
Check out more Matt Zo

 Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Arty Remix) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Bibio - Saint Christopher: Up-beat experimental track

Mind Bokeh is Bibio's fifth stuido album that is set to release on March 29th in the United States and April 4th worldwide. While Bibio might not have the same following as many other artists, with his creative imagination there is certiantly something for everyone to enjoy. I had the privilege to listen to Mind Bokeh and it is something else. With such an amazing album It was hard to decide which song to feature but I chose "Saint Christopher" because it is an up-beat yet relaxed song. It is truley experimental and thus and piece of Bibio's work.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Black Prez - Black Lights: Wicked Banger

Black Prez has a god given talent of wicked lines and clever rhymes. He has been able to make his way through Colorado's rap scene and with his current following it'll be no time before he's a hit. For presidents day he released "Black Lights (Pretty Lights remix)" through his twitter page and it made a splash.
Black Lights (Pretty Lights Remix) by corbinlane

Bitcrush - Falling Inward: Super Chill Electronic Blazer

Mike Cadoo goes by the alias of Bitcrush and Dryft in the world of IDM/Electronic music. He is known in the industry but his music remains as a hidden gem. He started with a group called Gridlock but for reasons unknown to most they decided to part ways and in 2005 Gridlock was no more, this was the birth of Bitcrush, Dryft and his record label n5MD. Bitcrush was my first real electronic group that I started listening to and even though I would listen to the album on repeat, my favorite track from the Album remains to be "Falling Inward".

Collie Buddz - Herb Tree, Mary Jane, & Come Around: Blazing Chilled Out Reggae

Collie Buddz is by far one greatest, but unfortunately unknown artist in the reggae genre today. He has a real sickk flow and is a little more laid back and smooth than most reggae artists which I love. The first two songs are off his most recent album The Last Toke and demonstate exactly what I'm talking about. Come Around  is off his first album though and has just got that classic upbeat reggae feel reminiscent of reggae great Bob Marley. If you like what you you can download Collie Buddz most recent free EP Playback. Enjoy!

Download Herb Tree
Download Mary Jane
Download Come Around

Check Out More Collie Buddz
 Collie Buddz - Herb Tree, Mary Jane, & Come Around by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Cataracs - Bass Down Low (Ft. Dev): Two Sick Banger Dubstep and Electro Remixes

So most you have probably already heard this song and know what a great track it is, but you've most likely haven't heard either of these two banger remixes. The first remix is for all you fans out there of nasty dirty Dubstep with bass lines that will blow you away. Let me tell you, thats exactly what Proper Villains did with the track. Its pretty much as sick and dirty as Dubstep can get. The next remix by Matt Sayer's has got much more of an Electro House feel to it with just a hint of Dubstep. It still bangers hard, just at  a more progressive rate. Overall, both tracks are sure to get things started this weekend, so go out and get your party on!

Download The Cataracs - Bass Down Low (Ft. Dev) (Proper Villains Remix)
 Bass Down Low (feat. Dev) (Proper Villains Remix) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Download The Cataracs - Bass Down Low (Ft. Dev) ( Matt Sayers Remix)
 The Cataracs - Bass Down Low (Matt Sayers Remix) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kid Cudi - The Prayer & Heaven at Nite: Throwback Blazerrs!

Yes, I know I'm posting tracks that are over three years old, but as I was listening to my iPod today I was reminded how great Kid Cudi  is, so I decided to share two of my all time favorite Cudi tracks. If you don't have these in your blazing collection they are the essential definition of chilled out hip hop with incredible lyrics. I'm always overtaken with chills when I listen to Heaven at Nite. I've really been disappointed with Cudi recently though. He seems to have dropped his rapping in favor of more of a sing song type rapping with his mainstream releases. Hopefully Cudi will release more tracks like this in his upcoming album. For now though enjoy these!

Download The PrayerCudi Confession, and Heaven at Nite via Mediafire

 Throwback Thursday - Kid Cudi by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cryptex - Crunk Life Mixtape: Sick Nasty Glitch Tape!!

If you couldn't already tell I am a huge glitch fan. I have already featured quite a few glitch tracks on the site and I was going to try and give it a rest until I heard this brand new mix from Cryptex who remixed   Drive It Like You Stole It and Carry Out. The nearly half an hour mix never loses any energy with its hip hop origins and is glitched up to the max! After listening to the first 30 seconds I guarantee you'll download the track. Cryptex has yet to not amaze me with what he has been dropping. Enjoy!

 Crunk Life Mixtape by cryptex

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bassnectar - Magical World (Ft. Nelly Furtado): Nastyyy Dubstep Banger!!!!!!

Title: Magical World
Artists: Bassnectar Ft. Nelly Furtado
Genre: Dubstep
Back Info: After I posted Bassnectar's Sick Remix of Ellie Goulding's Lights it became an instant hit and the most played track on the site. I am huge Bassnectar fan myself so I decided to share one of my all time favorite Bassnectar tracks ever, Magical World, but instead of describing it myself here are Bassnectar's own words,

"It is a musical mutatant marriage between elements of my song ‘Timestretch’ and Nelly Furtado’s classic “Turn Out The Lights”. A few weeks ago i heard a bootleg by SLOF MAN; a dope remix of Nelly Furtado’s song, but his bassline was NOTE FOR NOTE identical to Timestretch. My first thought was “oh daym this is going to mix perfectly with timestretch” and as i listened more i decided to take the mix further. So i re-tuned elements of my track, and re-mixed it into a more straightforward arrangement, laid bits of the acapella over the beats, and went to work. My buddy Sayr even suggested a different melodic idea for the bassline, and my homies at Arlyn Studios in Austin stretched and edited her vocals, doing micro-tuning and loving it up. It was a group effort, and of course it is an unofficial bootleg, i decided to call it “Magical World”. I played it on repeat all weekend and on multiple occasions my body was helplessly covered in waves of goosebumps. I was overcome by thoughts of how special it is to be alive, and how magical it truly is!!!"
Why Its A Blazer & Banger: I think Bassnectar said it all

Check out more Bassnectar
 Bassnectar - Magical World (Ft. Nelly Furtado) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Miracle - Big Jet Plane: Chilled Out Hip Hop Blazer

Title: A Big Jet Plane
Artists: Miracle and Angus & Julia Stone
Genre: Hip Hop
Back Info: So I have recently become a huge fan of this track after a buddy of mine in Australia told me about it. Miracle is a brand new artist out of Australia with a lot of potential and just recently breaking through opening for artists like Lupe Fiasco. He sort of reminds me of Tinie Tempah but  a little more laid back. In this track though, Miracle samples fellow Aussies Angus & Julia Stone's indie track Big Jet Plane for a chilled out blazer that your sure to enjoy.
Why Its a Blazer: Miracle has got a real chill flow that goes really well with the original tracks slow melody.

Check our more Miracle via Youtube

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Trep Palms - In Your Eyes (Ft. Timeflies): Sickkk Trippy Blazer!!!!

I wanted to switch things up a bit so I'm going give this template a whirl, so be sure to comment with some feed back

Title: In Your Eyes
Artists: Trey Palms Feat Timeflies
Genre: Hip Hop
Back Info: I know I just featured Timeflies a few days ago with their track Cars, Money, and Fame, but when I hears this song I had to post it. After starting to work with Trey on the production of his upcoming mixtape, Rob Resnick put this together to feature Cal from Timeflies on the hook and Trey Palms on the verses. The outcome is absolutely nasty blazerr.
Why Its a Blazer: Basically, Rob kills the beat on the track and Trey's vocals are so chill. I can't even begin to describe it so you'll have to give it a listen for yourself to see what I mean. Hopefully we'll be seeing some more upcoming collaborations from these two artists again soon.

Keep checking out Blazers & Bangers and be sure to share it with your friends!!!
Check out Tray Palms Facebook

Disco Fries - Party On (Ft. Honorebel): Sickk Reggae Party Song!

After ready the title of the song you know its gonna be a banger, especially cause it is from Remix and Producing Pros Disco Fries. I posted their nasty remix of Brittany Spears Hold It Against Me which was unfortunately removed, but you can still check it out on their page. The song has got a pretty sick beat and the reggae vocals from Honorebal are fire. I can see some sick remixes coming out of this song that I'll be sure to post. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cars, Money, and Fame - Timeflies: Awesome banger party song!

Recently I've been listening to a lot if new East Coast music from a bunch or brand new up and coming artists. One of those who really caught my eye is Boston based group Timeflies.  Comprised of Producer/DJ Rob Resnick and vocalist Cal, Timeflies is a unique group with a lot going for them, just have a listen to this song, Cars, Money, and Fame, and you'll see what I mean. Cal is surprisingly talented at not only singing, but throwing out some sick raps as well. Combined with Rob's super catchy beats, I can see them getting some serious airplay If they put out more tracks like this. Be sure to check out more of their music via their website, itunes, and future posts if you like what you here. Enjoy!

Check out more Timeflies via iTunes here
 Cars Money and Fame - Timeflies by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Monday, February 14, 2011

Slow Down - Big Z: Chill Hip Hop Mashup Blazer

What happens when Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def , and Nico are all mixed together? One incredible blazer. The song has a real mellow and slow back instrumental sequence that flows so well with Lupe and Mis Def's Vocals. I've had this song on my iPod the past couple of days and have probably listened to it at least thirty times. Perfect for blazing, napping, or driving at night. Props to Big Z for such a great blazer, and hopefully we'll be posting more of him soon. Enjoy!

 Big Z - Slow Down by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Monday, February 7, 2011

Greatest Blazzer of All Time From Tycho!!

Alright so like I promised I'm going to start posting more blazers and today I'm going to share literally my favorite blazing song from one of my icons, Scott Hanson. Based out San Francisco, Scott Hanson works under names of musician (Tycho) and artist (ISO50). His blog is one of the most fascinating blogs I have ever read. He posts a lot of his own work along with that which inspires him. You can can also check out all his music via his site as well. This song Coastal Brake came out a few years back though and never really received the attention it deserved. Its an incredibly beautiful song whether your watching the sunset along the coast at sunset of just sitting on couch. It also has one of the most incredible bass drops ever that you could listen to a thousand times. So, be sure to check out more Tycho and enjoy!

Check Out More Tycho
Check Out ISO50
 Tycho - Coastal Brake by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Incredibly Chilled Out Blazer From Napela

Alright so I have mainly been posting Banger songs on the site so when I found this incredible blazer from Nalepa I just had to post it. Nalepa is a really great artist from LA, who I'll be posting stuff from more often. I'm going to try and start posting more blazers in general as well, but for now enjoy this one. 

Check out more Nalepa

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Glitchy Remix of Timberlands Carry Out by Cryptex!!

Alright so a little while back a posted Cryptex's remix of Drive It like you stole which was a sick track. I'm really like the glich remixes that Cryptex has been dropping and today I'm sharing his brand new remix of  Carry Out by Timberland. The first half is a little glitchy, but the second half just goes glitch crazzzy, so be sure to listen to the whole song. Enjoy!

 Timbaland ft. Justin Timberlake - Carry Out (Cryptex Reglitch) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sick Chilled Our Remix of Lights By Bassnectar

So, even though I have never posted any Bassnectar on the site yet, it needs to be known that he is an animal in the world of Dubstep and Dance music. He has come out with some of the hardest hitting songs and remixes that I have ever heard which I will be sure to post soon, but today I have a brand new super chill remix from Bassnectar of Ellie Goulding's Lights. The UK based Goulding recently came to light in the music world last year and has since had her songs remixed by hundreds of artists, but this is for sure one of my favorites. Its super chill, but still that real deep bass that I love, so turn up and enjoy!

Check out more Bassnectar
Check out more Ellie Goulding
 Ellie Goulding -- Lights (Bassnectar Remix) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Chilled out upbeat dubstep remix of Secrets!!!!

Alright so heres a track you never thought would be turned into a dubstep remix, but producer Oblivion has dubstepped OneRepublic's Secrets. I haven't heard many good upbeat dubsteps, but somehow Oblivion managed to take a chill upbeat track, add some nasty bass and come out with an awesome remix. It starts out a little slow so just make sure you listen till the chorus. Enjoy!

Check out more OneRepublic
Check out more Oblivion
 One Republic - Secrets (Oblivion Remix) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Super sick Remix of Tonight I'm Fucking You!

So I got a lot of positive feedback from the Hyper Crush remix of DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again, so I decided to share another sick Hyper Crush Remix. This remix has a totally different sound than the original and still hard. I'm amazed at the remixes that Hyper Crush has been putting out so I'll probably be posting another soon if you guys like this one. Be sure to drop a comment and enjoy!

Check out more Hyper Crush
 Tonight I'm Fucking You (HYPER CRUSH REMIX) by Blazers & Bangers Blog

First Blazer from Fleet Foxes!!

Alright so this is officially the first blazer I'm posting and I'm super excited about it. This track comes from Seattle based group Fleet Foxes and is the first single off their upcoming album Helplessness Blues. They are definitely one of my favorite bands. There music isn't exactly chill or trippy, but its so harmonic that it almost takes you to another place. Be sure to check out there first self titled album if you like what you hear.

Check out more Fleet Foxes
 Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues by Blazers & Bangers Blog