Monday, February 7, 2011

Greatest Blazzer of All Time From Tycho!!

Alright so like I promised I'm going to start posting more blazers and today I'm going to share literally my favorite blazing song from one of my icons, Scott Hanson. Based out San Francisco, Scott Hanson works under names of musician (Tycho) and artist (ISO50). His blog is one of the most fascinating blogs I have ever read. He posts a lot of his own work along with that which inspires him. You can can also check out all his music via his site as well. This song Coastal Brake came out a few years back though and never really received the attention it deserved. Its an incredibly beautiful song whether your watching the sunset along the coast at sunset of just sitting on couch. It also has one of the most incredible bass drops ever that you could listen to a thousand times. So, be sure to check out more Tycho and enjoy!

Check Out More Tycho
Check Out ISO50
 Tycho - Coastal Brake by Blazers & Bangers Blog

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